Where do you go when you need to find the ideal Entertainment Services Providers for your next great event? Answer: Right here.
Soon anyone, anywhere can view, audition and book the right ESPs from any device to make their signature event or major production awesome!
Soon anyone, anywhere can view, audition and book the right ESPs from any device to make their signature event or major production awesome!
Jamaica, indeed the Caribbean is renown for its wealth of talent in a kaleidoscope of colours and culture, and surprisingly the church and school are primary feeders for much of our homegrown talent. The Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC) and Edna Manley College of the Visual & Performing Arts hone and train thousands of students annually while every corner and office has a creative on the verge of their big break.
From some of the world's best musicians, actors, designers and novelty performers to non-traditional creatives like animators, caterers and events specialists, we're creating a marketplace to showcase the very best Entertainment Services Providers (ESPs) backed by client reviews, background checks and performance guarantees.
Here are some of the ESP categories we'll be featuring...